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Par EUR 1 pārdodu jaunu datora kameru PC Shadow Series oriģināliepakojumā ar čeku. Kopš 2009.gadā iegādājos, tā arī nav bijusi vajadzība lietot. Specifikācija: Shadow Series USB 1.3 MP Webcam General Features: 1.3 Mega Pixel (MP) Camera lens: 4 sets of glass infrared ray optics USB interface (4.25-foot cable length) 10x Digital Zoom 1/4-inch Sensor, 6 mm lens 62 degree visual angle VGA (640 x 480) format, frame rate up to 30 fps Focusing: 3 CM to Infinity TWAIN drive support VFW interface Monitor clip Regulatory Approvals: FCC CE Package Includes: Shadow Series USB 1.3 MP Webcam Drivers CD (on 3-inch CD) User Manual Additional Information: Requirements: Windows 98SE/Me/XP/Vista 100 MHz Pentium processor Available USB port 32 MB memory 20 MB hard disk space CD-ROM drive (to load drivers CD).